Paid Attention & Pop Culture w/ Faris Yakob

Faris Yakob is the Co-founder of Genius Steals, a nomadic creative consultancy, that travels the world working with and chatting about ideas with agencies and brands like Coca-Cola, Facebook, TikTok & Activision.
One of my favorite thinkers in the world of advertising, Faris brings an academic mind and an artist's curiosity into our commerce-driven profession of marketing strategy.
We break down the relationship between brands & pop culture, explore America's "Mickey Mouse" strategy of cultural imperialism, discuss why brands have been so slow to integrate with gaming and the Zen of Fortnite.

The 2nd edition of Faris' book "Paid Attention: Innovative Advertising for a Digital World" will be available this November and it's a must-read for all Pop-Marketers. Pre-Order it now on Amazon

The Stolen Genius newsletter holds a sacred place in my inbox as it's filled with insight & inspiration from across the globe, featuring diverse voices from across the marketing and creative spaces we traverse

Faris & his partner Rosie also run one of my most favorite online communities of thinkers and makers at The School of Stolen Genius. Find out more and come say hi

If you want to see what Faris is up to right at this very moment, head to Twitter, he's there saying smart stuff on the daily and gives me hope that Twitter isn't all dumpster fire

The Pop-Marketer:


Joe Cox