hi, i'm joe
It all started when…
I’ve spent 15 years reminding brands how to have fun by helping them use real-time marketing and emerging media. We call it advertising, but honestly it’s just teaching companies how to be as cool as their customers. Along the way, a few of these companies also taught me a thing or two.
Red Bull wasn't afraid to say a brand should have personality and they knew how to use local influencers. I love this strategy and use it to this day.
At vitaminwater, vitaminwater zero & smartwater... I drank a lot of water.
(I also helped inject persona into national action sports events and video game tournaments held 100 feet below ground in a cold war missile silo. No joke.)
TAKE5 gave me the opportunity to bring a booth to SXSW people actually wanted—a place to trade in their festival swag for something actually valuable.
Wingstop gave my team the opportunity to be relevant in a way no other brand was brave enough to even consider. Video activation around 420? Let’s do it.
Spirit let me hand carve a wheat field into one of the largest (and creepiest) crop circles in Kansas. Jump starting an online frenzie with our influencers.
I’ve led teams and managed crews. I’ve hosted conferences and spoke in the most amazingly absurd marketing jargon known to man. I can play that game and I know all the strategies. But what really gets me excited is working with smart people who understand the power of popular culture to reach an audience.
Let’s have fun with this. Let’s be smart. Let’s dive into pop culture.

RT @Arbys: As one adventure begins, another waits in the shadows. She's one tough cookie! https://t.co/ecFncpgeyK
RT @tombraider: Experience Lara Croft’s defining moment as she becomes the Tomb Raider. Shadow of the Tomb Raider will be revealed… https://t.co/IoBExCE6yu
RT @Giant_Spoon: It was life without limits featuring @WestworldHBO's friendly and not-so-friendly faces at what @TheAVClub calls “.… https://t.co/gvNDLGBpSz
RT @ActuallyBrandon: No hyperbole, the #SXSWestworld activation was the best marketing I’ve ever experienced, all four hours of it. https://t.co/udLQ1iaYtx
RT @mathewi: YouTube didn’t tell Wikipedia about its plan to rely on the site for articles countering conspiracy th… https://t.co/B6przSAe2G
#partnership of the day. Nike and Headspace have created the first audio-guided runs for meditation on the move https://t.co/o9HQyV4u14
This dude is a creative legend...like right now. Wtf? Things Aren't Going So Well for Stan Lee https://t.co/heYx8zMMXL
RT @lilyachty: Yeaaaaaaahhhhhh https://t.co/LHdHGAxLCQ
RT @barkleyus: Are you a Content Manager with an insatiable curiosity to learn & take on new challenges? We want you. Apply here:… https://t.co/HF5v9UGUDJ
HBO’s Elaborate SXSW Stunt Proves Its All in On Westworld https://t.co/UPjrzx290j #popmarketing